How to Get Cheap Flights to Las Vegas

Finding cheap flights is a great way to save some money when planning your vacation. If you can save some money here then you will have more money to play with. Smart thinking! So how can you get cheap flights to Las Vegas? There are Several Things you can do.

First of all, and this Might already be general knowledge, avoid weekend travel and plan to arrive in Las Vegas sometime during the week. Why? Every Jim, John and Harry wants to get away for the weekend on Friday or Saturday. The airlines do not need to the make any accommodations to fill up the planes and can afford to disregard passengers looking for a discount. On Sundays, most people are home on Their Way Because It's back to work on Monday. So, ticket prices begin to go up on Thursday, on Friday and Saturday skyrocket, and then begin to show a slight Decrease on Sunday. So the best days to purchase tickets to Las Vegas are Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

Plan your stay in Vegas to include the weekend. Try, at least, to stay through Saturday night, the which is the busiest time for airlines and the most expensive day to travel.

Book your flight as far as possible ahead of time. The Earlier you can book your flight the bigger the discount you can get. On the flip side, if you are a last minute sort of person, you may be Able to get a good deal very close to your travel date. Because this is, at almost zero hour, the airline is Trying to fill up empty seats. This method of purchase is risky, however, and not all companies do this.